It’s time to draw the curtain on insurance red tape and bureaucracy.

Claim denials, prior authorization and unnecessary regulations are increasing costs, tying up precious health resources and keeping Oklahomans from getting the care they desperately need. Patients deserve better.

Health insurance issues affect six in 10 U.S. patients.

A recent KFF survey found 58% of people with health insurance encountered at least one problem using their coverage in the past year, leading to increased consumer costs, delayed care and increasing health problems..


Quotas on Claim Review and Denials Hurt Patient Care

Some large insurers place claim review quotas on in-house physicians, creating an atmosphere where speed is prized above patient health.

Source: ProPublica

Insurers Know Many Denied Claims Will Not Be Appealed

Despite the potentially dire impact that denials have on patients’ health or finances, data shows that denied claims are appealed only once in every 500 cases.


Injured woman concerned about medical bill.

Prior Authorization Denials Lead to Worse Patient Outcomes, More Paperwork

According to a recent survey from the American Medical Association (AMA), the average physician practice completes 45 prior authorization requests per week. While health insurers claim they deny these claims to lower costs, 46% of physicians surveyed report prior authorization has led to immediate care or ER visits, driving up health care spending


According to a recent survey from the American Medical Association (AMA), the average physician practice completes 45 prior authorization requests per week. While health insurers claim they deny these claims to lower costs, 46% of physicians surveyed report prior authorization has led to immediate care or ER visits, driving up health care spending
